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About Our School

Stamford High School

55 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902
Ph: (203) 977-4223   Fax: (203) 356-1720


Matthew Forker


Dr. Claudia Berlage

Assistant Principal Career Pathways, Workplace Learning & Apprenticeships

Christian Paulino

9th grade Assistant Principal

Crystal Perry-Holden

10th grade Assistant Principal

Matthew Moynihan 11th grade Assistant Principal

Tom Agosto

12th grade Assistant Principal

Chris Passamano                    

Athletic Director

Jamar Greene

Dean of Students

Catherine Albrecht

Dean of Restorative Practices


Stamford High School (SHS) is a comprehensive public high school located in Stamford, CT that fosters and maintains a culture which focuses on the importance of academics and routinely celebrates student achievement. SHS offers International Baccalaureate (IB) and a dual enrollment program called Early College Studies (ECS), which allows students to acquire an associate degree in mobile programming or software design from Norwalk Community College.  Additionally, SHS offers 20 Advanced Placement courses, 12 UCONN Early College Experience (ECE) classes and 24 honors level courses.