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Governance Council

School Governance Council


It is the policy of the Stamford Board of Education (Board) to endorse and support parent, staff, student and community involvement in school governance. It is the intent of the Board that every school will have a School Governance Council that enables parents, school staff, students (when appropriate), and community to work together in facilitating quality educational plans that engender continuous improvement of student achievement. It is the responsibility of the Principal to develop and maintain effective organizational structures and processes for advisement in the school in conjunction with the School Governance Council.

The council is made up of 7 parents, 5 teachers, 2 community members, 2 students (non-voting), the principal and an assistant principal (non-voting).

Purpose of School Governance Councils

  • The intent of Councils is to enable parents, school staff, students (where appropriate) and community leaders to work together to improve student achievement in the State's lowest performing schools.
  • School Governance Councils serve in an advisory capacity to assist the school administration.

Council Responsibilities
Councils may advise the school administration in these areas:

  • Analyze school achievement data and school needs as they relate to the school improvement plan;
  • Review the fiscal objectives of the school’s draft budget and advise the principal before the budget is submitted to the superintendent;
  • Participate in the hiring process of the school’s principal or other administrators of the school by conducting interviews of the candidates and reporting on such interviews to the superintendent and the local board of education;
  • Assist the principal in making programmatic and operational changes to improve the school’s achievement;
  • Develop and approve a written school parent involvement policy that outlines the role of parents and guardians
  • Work with school administrators in developing and approving a school compact for parents, legal guardians and students that outlines the schools goals and academic focus identifying ways that parents and school personnel can build a partnership to improve student learning.

In addition to its required responsibilities, a Council may:

  • Assist in developing and reviewing the school improvement plan and advise the principal before the report is submitted to the Superintendent of Schools;
  • Work with the principal to develop, conduct and report the results of an annual survey of parents, guardians and teachers on issues related to the school climate and conditions; and
  • Provide advice to the principal on any other major policy matters affecting the school, except on matters relating to collective bargaining agreements between the teachers and the Board of Education.


  • Manage the school;
  • Supervise staff;
  • Enter into contracts or purchase agreements;
  • Discuss individual issues between teachers and students and/or parents;
  • Determine student eligibility for school admission; or
  • Determine class allocations or student assignments.