Mastery Based Learning
Mastery-based learning is to ensure that a student has acquired the knowledge and skills that are deemed to be essential to success in every postsecondary - college and career environment and in adult life. Students will receive one credit upon successful demonstration of subject-matter content mastery achieved through educational experiences and opportunities that provide flexible and multiple pathways to learning. These options include:
• FCIAC Recognition - Any recognition like an honorable mention
• LAS Link score of proficiency
• Recognition of achievement in a state or national competition - This can be an in any area. Examples include sports in and outside school and extracurricular activities like Eagle Scout or any competition.
• Recognition as an AP Scholar (receives a score of 3 or more on 3 AP exams)
• Seal of Biliteracy - Mr. Gladstone oversees the program. If you took the exam last year, those results still count.
• Student Self-Designed Project (prior approval required)
• Internship/Volunteer/Work/ Cooperative Work Experience (after school/weekend job) *
• ACT Score: English 18**
• ACT Score: Math 22**
• ACT Score: Reading 22**
• ACT Score: Science 23**
• SAT Score College and Career Readiness Benchmark for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 480**
• SAT Score College and Career Readiness Benchmark for Math: 530**
*Students can complete any combination of these Pathways to meet the requirement of 120 hours. Cooperative Work Experience will need to complete 160 hours. Documentation needs to be on official letterhead stating 120 or 160 hours have been completed along with name, signature, and title of person of a superior.
**When submitting documentation please ensure that student name is clearly visible, along with score. Submission with names will be returned.
All seniors will have Mastery Based Learning added to their schedule. Once documentation has been verified a Passing grade will be added on PowerSchool.
Deadline to submit Mastery Based Learning is April 22, 2024.