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Performing Arts Links
American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals ca. 1490-1920 - A series of 200 dance manuals which include everything from minuets to square dancing.
AskERIC Lesson Plans: Music - Great teacher-created lesson plans.
Baroque Music Home Page - An extensive baroque music site with music samples, biographies, information, and much more.
Broadway World Wide Theatre - Playbill Online links to US and international shows.
Children's Music Workshop - A guide to K-12 music education; includes many well-arranged links and a place for teachers to post questions to other teachers.
The Classical Music Navigator - This site contains compiled information on classical music composers, their works and resources to find additional classical music.
The Costume Page - An extensive, well-organized set of links to online sources of information for those interested in the costume arts.
Digital Tradition Folk Song Database: Search Page - A site for older students that allows keyword and title searching to over 6000 folk songs and includes midi files for some of them.
Dismuke's Virtual Talking Machine - Streaming RealAudio recordings of late 19th and early 20th-century music
DSOkids - A fun and educational music site created by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra; it includes both a teacher and student section.
Early Music Chicago: Web Resources - Links to sites with information and music from the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods.
Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Instruments - Photographs and descriptions of many instruments from this era.
Hear The Music Play - Now with hundreds of in-depth articles, people who love music have a place to discover expert advice on the top gear (for almost any discipline).
K-12 Resources for Music Educators - A list of annotated links to music sites for band, orchestra, vocal, and classroom music instruction.
mFiles - Downloadable MP3s of classical music and some sheet music.
Mojo's Musical Mouseum - A site to find the lyrics to many of those kid songs you thought you had forgotten.
Music Education Resource Links (MERL) - An extensive and well-arranged list of music education sites.
Music for the Nation, American Sheet Music 1870-1885 - Over 22,000 pieces of sheet music registered for copyright during the post-Civil War era.
Music Library Association: Sheet Music Collections - Links to online sheet music collections; great support for an interdisciplinary lesson including music and social studies.
Music Resources on the Internet - An extensive list of music sites from Indiana University including academic music resources. - Information about dozens of popular Broadway musicals including a synopsis, song list, and related links.
Puppetry Home Page - A comprehensive list of links to all types of puppetry resources on the Internet.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Lesson Plans - A series of interdisciplinary lesson plans that use music as the basis for the lesson.
Sapphire Swan: Dance Directory - An extensive list of links to dance resources on the Web, arranged by dance style.
Shanties and Sea Songs - A large collection of traditional shanties and sailor songs.
Songs for Teaching: Using Music to Promote Learning - A site which provides information on ways to use music to teach content across the curriculum.
Sound Bible - A site with free sound clips, sound bites, and sound effects; great for presentations and movies.
Texas School Music Project - A site with ideas and information for the teaching of music, band, chorus, and orchestra in schools.
Theatre History on the Web - An extensive list of links to historical information, current practices, and to all aspects of drama and theatre.
World Music Resources - Links to worldwide cultural and ethnic music information.