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UCONN ECE Human Development & Family Sciences Links

Early College Experience:

UConn Early College Experience (ECE) is a concurrent enrollment program that allows motivated high school students to take UConn courses at their high schools for both high school and college credit. Every course taken through UConn ECE is equivalent to the same course at the University of Connecticut.

The Development Through Life Perspective (Chapter 1):

Psychosocial Theory (Chapter 2):

Major Theories for Understanding Human Development (Chapter 3):

Prenatal Development (Chapter 4):

Infancy (Chapter 5):

Toddlerhood (Chapter 6):

Early Childhood (Chapter 7):

Middle Childhood (Chapter 8):

Early Adolescence (Chapter 9):

Later Adolescence (Chapter 10):

Early Adulthood (Chapter 11):

Middle Adulthood (Chapter 12):

Later Adulthood (Chapter 13):

Old Age (Chapter 14):

Understanding Death, Dying and Bereavement (Chapter 15):