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Counseling Center

Mission Statement

The mission of the Stamford Public Schools Counseling Department is to empower students to be self-aware, to take ownership of their academic growth, and to plan for the future. This will be accomplished through the equitable delivery of the comprehensive school counseling program.

About Our Department

The School Counselors meet with students throughout their high school career. Each meeting focuses on a varying aspect of helping students plan for their future after high school. Please see below for our SchooCounseling Calendar, which indicates when we meet with our students whether virtually or in person. 


About the School Counseling Department


 Please note that counselors are available to meet with parents, but virtually via appointment only. Please reach out to your school counselor to see how he/she is accepting appointments. 

For a comprehensive look at the SPS School Counseling Framework, Standards, Delivery and Curriculum, please see our SPS School Counseling Handbook here!

During your high school years you will make decisions that will enable you to work toward long-range goals in a planned, sequential manner. Consulting with school counselors will enable you to identify personal strengths and to consider a program of study that will be challenging and fulfilling.

Plan of Studies

With the help of your school counselor, as an entering high school student you should begin to develop a four-year plan of courses. Your plan may change as you consider new information, but it should illustrate what you want to accomplish and the level of skill you want to achieve by the time you graduate. In general, students select courses to meet the requirements of their high school, college, and career goals. You will benefit from taking advantage of the counseling services available in the high school. In addition to conferences with your counselor, the School Counseling Department provides a number of services.

Career / College Planning

Each high school has a fully equipped Career Center. There is easily accessible information on all career fields. Information on careers, planning for the future, and learning more about oneself is available in a variety of print and nonprint formats. There are computers, recent college catalogs and videos, handbooks, applications, directories, and trade and vocational school guides. Specific job briefs describing the level of education needed to enter and progress within a career field are also featured. All students have access to Naviance, a web-based tool for guiding students and their parents through the entire college planning process. Students are encouraged to browse, begin a career search, or follow up on interests in the Career Center. This is a means by which individuals become aware of the relationship between school courses and possible career options. The Center is open to students at all times. Students can use the computers in the Career Center to explore occupations, colleges, the armed services, and financial aid.

Career / Technology Academics

Career awareness and planning are integrated throughout the curriculum in all the subject areas and across all grade levels. In addition, there are a number of career and technology academies and programs that link overall learning to the real global market-place. Opportunities for you to learn more about your interests and abilities are made possible through a variety of tests and assessments in various formats. You and your counselor will use this information, along with other factors, to discuss possible careers and their educational requirements.