School Profile: Please scroll to the bottom of this page for a PDF of our 2021-2022 profile
Commencing with the graduating class of 2023, in order to graduate from the Stamford Public Schools, a student must satisfactorily complete a minimum of twenty-five credits and meet the following requirements:
- Humanities (9 credits)
- English (4 credits)
- Social Studies (.5 credits in Civics) (3 credits)
- Arts (1 point)
- Humanities elective (1 point)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (9 points)
- Mathematics* (3 points)
- Science (3 points)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics elective (3 points)
- Physical Education and Wellness (1 point)
- Health and Safety Education (1 credit)
- World Language (1 credit)
- Mastery-based Learning Assessment (1 credit)
- Electives (3 credits)
*Students must complete Algebra 1 and Geometry to fulfill graduation requirements
Credit earned in any course requires a final course grade of D- (60) or greater. Specific course requirements are indicated in the High School Program of Studies.
Graduation Requirements and Special Populations:
- Students who qualify for the ESL or Bilingual programs must meet the Graduation Requirements on the same terms and conditions as the rest of the students, although they may proceed through the curriculum at a slower pace. ESL students will learn the skills needed to pass the district performance tasks in their English as Second Language classes.
- Requirements for Special Education students will be determined by the IEP.
Class Rank
Each student receives two class ranks: unweighted and weighted. The unweighted rank is computed by using the grade point average of the final marks earned by each student in all subjects except those on P (Pass) / F (Fail), physical education, and independent study taken in grades 9-12. The weighted rank is calculated by adding the following values to the unweighted grade point average: .05 weight for each honors class and .07 for each Advanced Placement course. Rank is computed at the end of the junior year. Only students who have attended district high school for four semesters are included in the class rank.
Course Selection Process
In early February students in grades 9, 10, and 11 receive, from their school counselor, a Program of Studies booklet along with a course selection sheet. At this time, the counselor will advise students on the necessary requirements for the next school year. Students have a week or two to review the booklet and to discuss their selection of courses for the upcoming year with their parents. They should also seek input and recommendations from their present teachers on courses for the following school year. Students will then meet individually with their counselor to finalize the process. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's counselor if they have any questions. Care should be taken in the selection of courses. Schedule changes are not always possible at a later time because of increased student enrollment.
During the summer your child will receive a confirmation of his or her course selections. If there are any errors, please contact the school counseling office at this time. Any counselor will be able to assist you. Schedule changes are not made after the start of school in September.
Attachment | Size |
For more information about SHS and our community please see our 2021-2022 School Profile | 223.75 KB |