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ATTENTION PLEASE...Students without a 24-25 AUP on file risk having their SPS Google account suspended. Please have the technology forms Listed below submitted ASAP to avoid any issues with student access to SPS technologY.
24-25 Acceptable Use, Device Selection, and Media Consent Forms in PowerSchool
· These forms must be signed EACH YEAR.
· Forms must be completed for students using BOTH SPS AND BYOD devices.
· Forms can be accessed through BOTH the website (http://sis.stamfordpublicschools.org) or mobile app (see the left hand column)
· Forms are only available through PARENT accounts - student accounts (username = ID number) canNOT access forms
Please make sure that all forms for 24-25 have been submitted (see screenshot below):
Please contact Melissa Correa (mcorrea@stamfordct.gov) with any further questions or issues with your PowerSchool account.